Meet CSA

Andrej Cerk

Andrej Cerk

Managing director

7. May 2020

The rapid expansion of the initial CS Consulting company and the company's new partner are the key drivers behind the establishment of a new CSA company. It is run by three competent, professional and trustworthy individuals who have been present on the market for more than 10 years. Cerk - Slevec - Ahčan we are the core and key drivers of Creating Solutions Advisory.

Since the founding of CS Consulting in 2014, the team of experts has also expanded with the rapid expansion of company's business. As a team, we share the same values ​​and the same degree of passion to overcome the challenges of the business world. With a focus on providing optimal solutions tailored for a specific client, we completed more than 350 projects, cooperated with more than 130 SMEs and the largest Slovenian companies, as well as provided investment opportunities for funds, banks and insurance companies and cooperated with the public sector. We have prepared a set of services designed for your segment, which you can view at the link below.

Choose your segment

We are distinguished by much more than just the number of completed projects. Our unique approach to solving challenges of entities has led to the adoption of key decisions by leaders, to company's revivals and recovery to stable operations. In addition to our unique approach, we are committed to carry out project with personal approach, because only by working together can we reach your maximum potential. Most importantly, we are a team of experts with outstanding relationship, because only through cooperation can we achieve the desired added value for your business.

You are invited to explore our new website, where you will find a complete set of all services or a set of services tailored to your segment. Above all, it is important that in a dynamic business world, the flow of knowledge is free. Therefore, we will regularly share our knowledge and experience with you. Sign up for advices and broaden your horizons.

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Consult with us!

We are an ideal partner to entities with a long-term business success vision, who want to conquer challenges and prosper.

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