Accounting and accounting consulting

More than just accounting.

Correct bookkeeping and interpretation of accounting standards facilitates efficient monitoring of the company’s performance.

  • Are you facing a dilemma related to correct interpretation of accounting standards?
  • Are you looking for an external provider of accounting services?
  • Are you a company that needs advice in posting an item, either because of the change in accounting standards or a novelty in the company?
  • Are you undergoing a process of changing the company’s legal form and require new opening financial statements?
  • Are you a small company that wants to optimise the costs by engaging an external accounting service?
  • Are you a large company looking for a reliable partner to obtain immediate quality accounting information, guidelines and recommendations?
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What can CSA do for you?

Correct bookkeeping and implementation of analysis is important for every company. For small companies in particular, it is recommended to engage an external accounting service provider in order to optimise costs; employees can thus focus solely on the company’s performance and growth. For large companies, it is particularly important to always have at their disposal a consultant, including tax and financial areas, and to obtain immediate answers to all open issues in order to ensure business continuity of all internal processes. 

In the scope of accounting services, we provide a comprehensive service, including bookkeeping or keeping of the books of account, accounts processing, accounts budgeting and accounting control. 

In the scope of accounting consultancy, we act as consultants to companies facing dilemmas as to how to correctly interpret the accounting standards or how to correctly treat an event from the accounting point of view. 

We can answer all your questions or provide the following accounting services:

Keeping of the general ledger

Keeping of subsidiary ledgers

IOP - statement of open items

Accounting of contributions, salaries, work contracts, author’s fees and travel orders

Keeping records by cost centre and project

Accounting value added tax

Controlling the recording of events and accounts

Compiling the year-end account

Compiling interim financial statements

Drafting reports for the Bank of Slovenia and other statistical reports

Preparing reports for banks

Interpretation and use of standards and legislation

In the scope of accounting consultancy, we can direct you to the selection of the appropriate accounting orientations, compile consolidated financial statements, set up a system of internal controls, point out the irregularities, set up a system of internal controls, point out the irregularities and deficiencies and prepare financial statements in accordance with the international or the Slovenian standards. We provide correct implementation of the opening financial statements in accordance with the prepared takeover, split-off or acquisition plan for companies undergoing a change in their legal form.

CSA accounting and accounting services are provided in line with the current legislation and standards.

In cooperation with the CSA, you gain a trustworthy partner since our immediate responsiveness guarantees not only a credible solution but also ensures business continuity of your internal processes in the company.

CSA experts recommend

For companies wanting to optimise their operating costs by engaging external service providers due to potential lack of internal expert financial knowledge, we recommend the preparation of a business and financial plan in the initial phase of engaging an external expert and, after the initial phase, consultancy to support their internal financial processes.

Tax speculations also arise in the case of open accounting issues and CSA experts will answer them in the scope of tax consultancy.

CSA office


Andrej Cerk

Andrej Cerk

Managing director

+386 (0)41 229 281

Mitja Slevec

Mitja Slevec

Managing director

+386 (0)41 330 496

Trusted by

Gorenjska banka
Mik Celje
Plinarna Maribor
MBS list
Hotel Slon
Terme Maribor
Elektro Gorenjska
Elektro Celje
APS Holding
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Delavska hranilnica
B2 Kapital
Nova KBM
Center za ravnanje z odpadki Zasavje
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec
Mestna občina Kranj
Občina Piran