Strategic planning

Using strategic planning for a more competitive and better performing company in the future.

  • Are you an entrepreneur, individual investor or a company with clear goals for which you have not yet outlined the method of implementation and financing?
  • Are you a company with declining business and would like to check if the competitors are taking over your market share?
  • How are a company’s operations benchmarked to its competitors?
  • Which are the key risks, opportunities and threats in the industry in which your company operates and how to adjust your operations?
  • Do you require consultancy on how to pursue your defined strategic goals?
Strategic planning strateško
What can CSA do for you?

In the scope of strategic planning, CSA experts cooperate with the client to lay down a custom-made strategic plan for each client.

Performance of a company on the market is only as good as it is better than the competitors. Each company faces the issues of its correct placement on the market, its benchmark analysis with peers and the developments in the branch. With access to the databases, you can trust the CSA experts with an in-depth analysis of the issues, either concerning the industry, competition or others, for the purpose of positioning on the market. On this basis, we create a strategic plan to achieve better business efficiency.

CSA experts recommend

After the completed strategic planning, we can undertake the business and financial restructuring of your company to help you implement the previously set goals.

Tax structuring can be carried out to ensure efficient operations and tracking of newly defined strategies and goals.

If your company’s goal is to expand by acquisitions, the CSA team can help you find potential candidates for takeover and manage the transaction and sales process at the choice of the company.

CSA office


Mitja Slevec

Mitja Slevec

Managing director

+386 (0)41 330 496

Andrej Cerk

Andrej Cerk

Managing director

+386 (0)41 229 281

Trusted by

Gorenjska banka
Mik Celje
Plinarna Maribor
MBS list
Hotel Slon
Terme Maribor
Elektro Gorenjska
Elektro Celje
APS Holding
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Delavska hranilnica
B2 Kapital
Nova KBM
Center za ravnanje z odpadki Zasavje
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec
Mestna občina Kranj
Občina Piran