Intangible asset valuation

Valuation of trademarks, goodwill, patents, licenses, customer bases, software codes, customer contracts and other intellectual property at the time.

  • Is the company subject to financial reporting obligations and is it necessary to verify if an intangible asset needs to be impaired?
  • Are you in the process of buying or selling a business and you need to allocate the purchase price to various intangible assets for accounting purposes?
  • Do you need to determine the value of a non-cash contribution in the newly established company?
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What can CSA do for you?

Thanks to more than 10 years of experience in valuation, we can guide you through the entire process of valuation of intangible assets, whether for financial reporting purposes, purchase or sale of a business, merger, acquisition or takeover, company split, increase or decrease in share capital, reporting for tax purposes or for the purpose of status transformation and determining hidden reserves of the company.

We provide the valuations of the following intangible assets



Customer bases

Software codes


Customer contracts

To clients in the process of selling or buying a business, we supply advice on the purchase price allocation (PPA) to various intangible assets. PPA is carried out in line with the applicable standards. It is important that the purchase price paid is correctly allocated to the acquired assets and liabilities. After the initial stage when the purchase price is determined, it is crucial to adjust the fair value or recognise the amount of goodwill as well as to identify, recognise and evaluate new assets and liabilities, such as brands. Other examples of such items are customer contracts, intellectual property, databases and similar. CSA experts will lead you through a complex PPA process, advise you and properly allocate the purchase price.

CSA experts recommend

For companies that need a valuation of intangible assets for the purpose of selling or buying a business, CSA experts recommend a professional external consultant with extensive experience and negotiating skills to conduct the entire M&A process.

For financial reporting, we recommend that a single contractor is hired for all valuations; in addition to valuation of intangible assets, we provide appraisals of real estatemachinery and equipmentreceivables or companies.

CSA office


Mitja Slevec

Mitja Slevec

Managing director

+386 (0)41 330 496

Andrej Cerk

Andrej Cerk

Managing director

+386 (0)41 229 281

Trusted by

Gorenjska banka
Mik Celje
Plinarna Maribor
MBS list
Hotel Slon
Terme Maribor
Elektro Gorenjska
Elektro Celje
APS Holding
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Delavska hranilnica
B2 Kapital
Nova KBM
Center za ravnanje z odpadki Zasavje
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec
Mestna občina Kranj
Občina Piran